What Mama Says (Witness - The Series: Episode 1)

Jun 7, 2024    Kyle Windsor

In the every day world, we believe based on evidence. The same is true for our belief in Jesus. John, one of the 12 disciples, followed Jesus because of irrefutable evidence.

Many years later, John wrote the account (what we call The Gospel of John, located in the Bible) of his experience with Jesus. More specifically, he wrote the entire account around 7 miracles....no...around 7 signs that he saw. These signs all pointed to a purpose, a reason, a revealing. John stated his purpose: "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." (John 20:31)

Our world is certifiably crazy, and not in a good way. John wants us to see life from his perspective WITH Jesus. In fact, John wants us to experience life even though the entire world has gone dark. John's account isn't just an intellectual exercise of belief. Nope. It is an account that will literally effect every moment of every day.

Join us in this episode (recorded in North Cascades National Park) as we get started on this journey in revealing the first sign.